

Little Red L

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03 mars 2012


Last weekend we were on our way to meet fröken Holland and her sister at a jazz bar when all of a sudden we saw a friend from school. There were a lot of happy hellos’ and surprised laughter, but after a drink we kept searching for fröken Holland and the jazz bar. We meat a few strange characters, including a Swede, but after only 30 meters we stumbled over the jazz bar. The bar was really nice, dark with stonewalls and red chairs, just like I always imagined a Parisian bar. We went downstairs to have a look and before I had time to react I was dancing with an old man. Old fashion style. I did not even know I could dance, strange, but fun.

We ended the night with some photos in front of Notre Dame. How about that?

This week there was a strange man on a vespa asking me if I wanted to be in some movie, which was even stranger than the last events. But we will see about that. 

There are people everywhere here, and they are all in the way. Despite that I feel like I am the only person here.

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